New Landing How can we help? Cardinal One Page Navigation Bullets for Posts

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  • Posted in: Cardinal
  • #329506
    Post count: 235

    Hi guys,

    I want to incorporate the bullets used in one page navigation for a post, is this possible? Or is it possible to get a page to appear under a post category as the alternative?

    Let me know.


    David Martin – Support
    Post count: 20834

    I am not 100% following your question here, can you add more detail or a mockup of what you are looking for?

    Post count: 235

    Hi David,

    Basically I want to know if I can use the one page navigation feature available in the page meta on a post.

    Please see screenshot.



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    Rui Guerreiro – SUPPORT
    Post count: 25779

    Hi George,

    I’m afraid that’s not possible, that’s only for pages.
    Will forward the suggestion to the development team.


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