New Landing How can we help? Atelier The theme doesn´t work with Polylang

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  • Posted in: Atelier
  • #325605
    Post count: 10


    I bougth this theme after read comments in themeforest and can see that it was compatible with Polylang plugin:

    “SwiftIdeas AUTHOR
    about 1 year ago Flag
    We’d suggest either translating the file directly using POEdit, or using a plugin on WordPress such as Polylang, qTranslate, or WPML.

    – Swift Ideas

    SwiftIdeas AUTHOR
    almost 2 years ago Flag
    Yes that is correct – you’ll need WPML for the multiple languages. You could alternatively try out Polylang – if you’d prefer a free alternative.

    – Swift Ideas

    SwiftIdeas AUTHOR
    almost 2 years ago Flag
    Hi there,

    Yes you can. You can either use the WPML plugin, or the Polylang plugin.

    – Swift Ideas”

    What is my surprise, when I install the theme, I load the demo content, install the polylang plugin and find that the web stops working completely.

    I have been able to see in a previous topic, that you have referred to another user to ask the support of polylang, but I think this you should solve yourselves, since you sell your theme as 100% compatible with this plugin.

    WPML plugins, it´s better, yes, but more expensive. I bought your theme for that reason, to can work with Polylang.

    I await your response.

    David Martin – Support
    Post count: 20834


    Yes, you are free to use the Polylang plugin if you wish.

    We 100% support WPML and 100% recommend you use that for your theme translations if you require multiple languages.

    However, if the site goes totally blank on install, using the Polylang plugin this is a plugin issue or a conflict with another plugin or a server environment issue.

    Consequently, you would need to debug this:

    1) Disable all plugins leaving only Swift Framework and WooCommerce active.
    2) Enable WP error reporting, add this define('WP_DEBUG', true); to wp-config.php.
    3) Ppen your wp-config.php file and add this: define('WP_MEMORY_LIMIT', '256M');.

    Post count: 10


    I´ve just made that you say me… And you can see the result:

    Doesn´t work…

    Post count: 10

    I´ve reolved it… I had to delete plugin and data, and start again… Sorry for the inconvenience. Thanks a lot

    Rui Guerreiro – SUPPORT
    Post count: 25779

    No problem. Glad it’s sorted.


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