New Landing How can we help? Atelier Responsive images and videos

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  • Posted in: Atelier
  • #322514

    Hi! First of all this is an awesome theme. I LOVE it!!! Well done.
    However, I am having some trouble with the responsive display for ‘row’ images. I’ve set some images in row – like it was on the demo -, put full width (contained), cover, window height, visible globally. and for some reasons, the image doesn’t display properly on tablet (ipad). Same thing for the video background I put further down on the page (it’s all good on desktop). The video doesn’t appear on mobile (just the background placement image), but it appears on tablet but very very zoomed in and terrible resolution. I’ve set all these row to be ‘visible globally’. I don’t know where I am missing something… attached you will find some screen shots.

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    David Martin – Support
    Post count: 20834

    1) When you mention the image not displaying correctly, could you elaborate on that? For me, the image loads nicely and with a good resolution. Could you annotate the screenshot to illustrate the issue?

    2) Mobile video autoplay is not supported, the fallback image will be served to the mobile device.


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