New Landing How can we help? Atelier Product overlay opacity, zoom and title/price caption

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  • Posted in: Atelier
  • #318167
    Post count: 11

    How to deactivate the zoom effect and make title and price don’t appear from left? Just make it simple, without zoom and without transition. Just make a fade of price and product title, but without appearing from left.

    This is the page what I mean.

    Thanks in advance

    Rui Guerreiro – SUPPORT
    Post count: 25779


    Add the code below to your custom css option.

    figure.animated-overlay figcaption .thumb-info h4, figure.animated-overlay figcaption .thumb-info h5, figure.animated-overlay figcaption .thumb-info h6, figure.animated-overlay figcaption .thumb-info .gm-hover-price-wrap {
        -o-transform: none!important;
        -moz-transform: none!important;
        -ms-transform: none!important;
        -webkit-transform: none!important;
        transform: none!important;
        opacity: 1;
        -ms-transition: all 0s!important;
        -webkit-transition: all 0s!important;
        -moz-transition: all 0s!important;
        -o-transition: all 0s!important;
        transition: all 0s!important;
    .standard-browser .products .product figure.product-transition-zoom:hover img {
        -webkit-transform: none!important;
        transform: none!important;
        opacity: 1!important;
    figure.animated-overlay:hover figcaption .thumb-info h6, figure.animated-overlay:hover figcaption .thumb-info .gm-hover-price-wrap {
        opacity: 1!important;
        -o-transform: none!important;
        -ms-transform: none!important;
        -moz-transform: none!important;
        -webkit-transform: none!important;
        transform: none!important;
        -webkit-transition-delay: .0s!important;
        -moz-transition-delay: .0s!important;
        -o-transition-delay: .0s!important;
        transition-delay: .0s!important;


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