New Landing How can we help? Themeforest Theme Support Nota No product images on stock pages

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  • Posted in: Nota
  • #314627
    Post count: 32


    We have been testing the website last few days and we noticed that the stock pages of woocommerce don’t show the specific product images. Only the name of the product is showing and the same demo image. Is there a way that I change this so that the specific product images will appear? I’ve attached a screenshot so you can see what I mean. Or is this something the upcoming theme update will solve?

    Please let me know!


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    Rui Guerreiro – SUPPORT
    Post count: 25779


    It was a css conflict cause by the Nota Importer. I just deactivate it and it looks fine now.


    Post count: 32

    Thnx Rui, looks much better like this!!

    David Martin – Support
    Post count: 20834

    Thanks Rui. Glad that helped you out.

    If you have found the theme/support useful, we appreciate it if you can leave feedback on our item if you have the time as it really helps us out.

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