New Landing How can we help? Atelier Translation Issue

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  • Posted in: Atelier
  • #313435
    Post count: 10

    We do have quite the same problem as described in:

    Translation of string WooCommerce

    Wordpress + WooCommercer are already set to Spanish language and even the tooltips on these two icons already appear in correct spanish. What is different to the support request mentioned above it that we do not use WPLM plugin.

    Where can we change these two translation strings?

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    Rui Guerreiro – SUPPORT
    Post count: 25779


    Those strings are inside the theme translation files.
    Did you already opened it with poedit to check if the translation is correct?


    Post count: 10

    If you refer to atelier/language/es_ES.po … yes, that is where we already found them and they are both correct:

    #: swift-framework/core/sf-header.php:1089
    #: swift-framework/core/sf-woocommerce.php:619
    #: swift-framework/core/sf-woocommerce.php:703
    #, fuzzy
    msgid “Your cart is empty.”
    msgstr “Ver su cesta de la compra”

    #: swift-framework/core/sf-header.php:1215
    #, fuzzy
    msgid “Your wishlist is empty.”
    msgstr “Su lista está vacía.”

    However, the english strings (see screenshots) still keep appearing. Regarding wordpress and theme translation we understand that it should be enough to switch the wordpress language itself (we did so to spanish) like described here:
    Or is there anything else (beside just wordpress itself), something within the theme that needs to be switched in order to really make use of this “es_ES.po” file? Also we searched the whole database for these two strings without any success. So we still wonder where we need to change these two strings. Maybe does the use of a child-theme can cause such strange behaviours to language files?

    David Martin – Support
    Post count: 20834


    The strings are marked as fuzzy, this means you need to use POEdit and remove the fuzzy setting, then re-compile both files and re-upload. Full instructions here:

    Post count: 10

    Thanks, that worked.

    David Martin – Support
    Post count: 20834

    Marking as resolved.


Viewing 6 posts - 1 through 6 (of 6 total)

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