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  • Posted in: Atelier
  • #311903
    Post count: 163

    We have a major issue:

    If a customer logs into login (customer credential added in “WordPress version” and “Theme Version” and admin credentials in normal spaces) I can freely move around site but everytime I click on “How it works” in slideout menu I am directed to frontpage (which is correct) but it looks as if I am logged out – both in top of frontpage and in slide out menu. But I am not actually.

    This needs to be fixed. In slideout it obviously should not look as if logged out and on frontpage it should not show “Log in” or “Sign up” if already logged in.

    I can see in “Appearance > Menus > My account menu” + “Appearance > Menus > Front page top menu” that all looks correct (but not working). See attached.

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    David Martin – Support
    Post count: 20834

    This I cannot replicate, I get this:

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