New Landing How can we help? Cardinal Updates cause parallax issues


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  • Posted in: Cardinal
  • #309231
    Post count: 18

    After updating the theme as well as the Swift Framework, we’re noticing some issues with parallax settings that were fine before.
    Because the translation of the old builder to the new aren’t seamless, we are sure how to change these settings (if possible) or if we need to rebuild certain areas. I will list a few descriptions showing the errors:

    1. Home page:
    When you scroll up and down, you’ll see that the video swift slider moves slightly but not much and now we have the text below it on the white background now going on top of the slider. This was not the case before. The white background and text in the second section should push the slider upward and the portfolio section should follow. There seams to be some weird things happening with portfolio section parallax as well — it’s not connected to the white background behind it.

    2. How page:
    Similar issues as #1. The swift slider showing the video bg with text is not scrolling at the same speed as the text on the white background so things are overlapping weirdly. To be more specific, when scrolling the slider window area should scroll away as the “Tell Us Your Story” white section rises up…and that text should always be on the white background. As it stands now, the slider video window scrolls at a different speed and therefore causes the “Tell Us Your Story” text to go on top of the header, and the white background slides behind it (odd).

    3. Who page:
    Similar issues as above with header video area scrolling at different speeds and causes text to live on top of it – when it shouldn’t.

    I believe the parallax settings in the builder are different now or are in different locations. We are unsure how to fix this issue without rebuilding entire sections. Please advise. Many, many thanks.

    David Martin – Support
    Post count: 20834

    Please add this to Theme Options => Custom CSS:

    #main-container {
        position: relative;
    Post count: 51

    Hi, I added this and now i also see the problem myself also in Chrome.

    David Martin – Support
    Post count: 20834

    @ckara – Please create a new thread so you can privately post your WP URL/login details for us.

    Post count: 234

    I too am experiencing Parallax issues in Chrome. Firefox is as it should be. Please see the attached screenshots for this site:

    You must be logged in to view attached files.
    David Martin – Support
    Post count: 20834

    @WEswift – If using this does not resolve it, please create a new thread so you can privately post your WP URL/login details for us.

    #main-container {
        position: relative;
    Post count: 234

    David – That did the trick! Thanks again! -Paul

    David Martin – Support
    Post count: 20834

    Glad to help.

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