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  • Posted in: Nota
  • #308139
    Post count: 27


    I like this layout ( When I set up the multi-size masonry portfolio, I do not see any options for selecting the number of columns. I get 3 by default but I would like 4 as shown in the example. Can you direct me to where this option is?

    Kind Regards

    David Martin – Support
    Post count: 20834


    You cannot set a column count when using multi-sized masonry. It’s dynamic and based on what can fit within the browser size.

    Switching to just Masonry, allows you to use a column count.

    Post count: 27
    This reply has been marked as private.
    David Martin – Support
    Post count: 20834


    This all depends on what size image you choose the Masonry Thumbnail to be. It’s a variable and very dynamic layout based on screen width and the size of the chosen Masonry Thumbnails.


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