New Landing How can we help? Atelier Video embeds break layout after Swift Framework update

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  • Posted in: Atelier
  • #307072
    Post count: 24


    After updating the Swift Framework plugin, pages that are built with the Swift page builder and have videos in them are now broken. Here are two examples:

    Example #1
    Before update:
    After update:

    Example #2
    Before update:
    After update:

    I’ve updated the plugin only on a dev environment, because in the past I’ve had similar issues with the Swift plugin update.

    This needs to be addressed ASAP. I’ve created an admin user for you on the dev environment.

    Thank you,

    Post count: 24
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    David Martin – Support
    Post count: 20834

    Be sure those video elements are not set to fullwdith within their page builder settings.


    Post count: 24

    Disabling full width fixed it, but this takes me back to a support ticket I opened a while back.

    I complained about Swift updates breaking the website layout, which was fixed by changing settings. How do you expect to surprise people with this sudden change in requirements? With each update, how would I know which setting to change? How do I know if other elements aren’t broken.

    Rui Guerreiro – SUPPORT
    Post count: 25779

    The Full-Width issue was a one time issue(introduced in the 2.5.0 version), and only causes issues in the pages that are edited after the update.

    We didn’t had other option but we did it to improve the Page builder structures like rows and columns to make the Page Builder even better, that’s a risk that we decided to take to make things better.

    We apologise for any inconvenience but those structural were necessary so we can move things forward.


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