New Landing How can we help? Themeforest Theme Support Joyn Slider 'Max Height' setting 'Height'

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  • Posted in: Joyn
  • #306614
    Post count: 15


    On the homepage of this site (Which is turning into SUCH a ball ache) we’ve set the max height on the banner/slider in the meta at the bottom of the page. For some reason, this is being added as an inline height on the video. This is causing all sorts of issues. If I take the height off it’s fine, everything works as expected (Just look at the site to see what part of it is broken) but with it on, it stops the video covering the space (And yes it’s set to cover in the backend).

    I’m tempted to write some JS to hack it to the correct stuff, but that’s a last resort as I don’t want to add more code to a site they’re keeping for like, 6 months.

    Any ideas?!


    Rui Guerreiro – SUPPORT
    Post count: 25779


    Can you provide us some admin credentials to have a look at the settings?
    Will also forward it to our head developer.


    Swift Ideas – Ed
    Post count: 15264

    Hi @Gilespie

    The height is added so that the video covers the whole area of the slide – else there would be gaps. The background video option is primarily intended to be used as a background for the slide, not the focus.

    Looks like you actually want the height of the slider to be 538px, but you’ll need something to resize the slider based on the video, as previously said it’s not intended for this solution. Revolution slider may be a better fit.

    – Ed

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