When I attempt to edit a page in either Classic Editor or Swift Page Builder both of the Visual and Text fields with their menu bars are missing. I can not edit content and once I switch between either Classic Editor or Swift Page Builder the content that was appearing in the Edit Box is missing. I updated yesterday to WP 4.7 but I have used it extensively since without any issue until about an hour ago. Has anyone else encountered this same issue?
I am including a few screenshot examples to demonstrate what I am seeing in the sequence of arriving at a page to edit, then clicking on the visual editor resulting in a blank space with no toolbar, then clicking back to the text editor and there being no content anymore and no toolbar, then on another page populated with content trying to switch to the Swift Page Builder and getting the same result of a blank Swift Page Builder. In this last instance the Swift Page Builder will not allow me to use the visual or text editors either.
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