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  • #305449
    Post count: 19


    The product images that appear on the shop front for each section/item are now not showing the full image, it’s displaying only part of it. Once you click through to the product, the images are displaying correctly.

    Can you help me with this please.

    Have looked at the Woocommerce > settings > products > display and these all seem to still be the same. So not sure why it’s doing this.

    Thanks and look forward to your reply!

    David Martin – Support
    Post count: 20834

    Have you recently changed the size or set the hard crop?

    If so, you need to use this plugin to rebuild your thumbnails:

    Post count: 19

    Hi David,

    No, I haven’t. Any other ideas why this is happening?

    I had a look at that plugin and it says that it doesn’t have enough data.

    I look forward to your reply.


    Post count: 19

    I’ve started doing the regenerate thumbnails, but nothing seems to have changed the images.

    Can you please have a proper look to see what is going on. Thanks.

    Post count: 19

    Have been going through the forum trying to find a fix. But nothing as yet. Have checked on other browsers and:

    – firefox, and thumbnails are not showing at all.

    – Chrome – thumbnails are not showing at all.

    Do you know when you can get a reply to me?


    David Martin – Support
    Post count: 20834

    Your products all look correct, is there a specific one?

    Post count: 19

    Yes, they look correct now as I’ve paid someone to fix it for me!!

    The issue was on the shop front with ‘shop latest’ etc. And then again when you went into a designers page – all the images were not displaying as thumbnails. They looked full size so you only saw probably a small section of the photo. If you viewed an individual product they were all good.

    Think the problem was to do with updating the parent theme. The information the child theme was using was corrupted. CSS + JS files were changed which was the problem.


    David Martin – Support
    Post count: 20834

    Glad you got it sorted.


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