I have 2 questions/issues for you:
1. How can I add an anchor link to a button and have it smooth scroll down? At the moment when I add anchor link to button it brings me down to section but there is not smooth scrolling. See here – https://gyazo.com/8c7ece7da9e11568a2ae7be39526b4ee
2. There seems to be a bug with the “NEW BADGE” not being translated on the custom selected menu from a page from page options. On the regular menu the word “NEW” translates properly to “NOUVEAU” from the .PO. However, on the CUSTOM PAGE MENU, the word isn’t translating from “NEW” to “NOUVEAU”.
FRANCHISES: /franchises (OK WORD IN FRENCH “NOUVEAU”) https://gyazo.com/db52ea392f18257dd816ed2d939509bc
HOME: / (NOT OK WORD IN ENGLISH “NEW” – Single page menu) https://gyazo.com/bfc7a05e594e08e95e02a00e83ece181
**To view url**
UN: flywheel
PW: frits-main
Thanks in advance,