Hey guys,
1. I currently have my homepage as a ONE PAGE website with anchor links. However, I have 2 separate pages (CONTACT and FRANCHISES) that are setup on their own. I’d like to know how I can modify the menu so that when someone clicks on the ANCHOR link when on a page, it brings a person to the proper section on the homepage. At the moment, when I click… nothing happens. I tried the “CUSTOM MENU” setting in the page options but since i’m using the center logo with 2 menus (LEFT & RIGHT) it doesn’t seem to work.
**I also tried to add the full links in my regular menu with #anchor links but when I do so the links don’t smooth scroll down when clicked**
2. I added information for the mobile menu header section: https://gyazo.com/cf9cc149491065205a9193848ad3c24d. I’d like the phone number to be clickable. Can you tell me how to get this done please? (I tried adding a href link in the field but it didn’t work)
I have provided you with my website so you can take a look and help me out.
Thanks in advance !
UN: flywheel
PW: frits-main