New Landing How can we help? Themeforest Theme Support Joyn Disable autoplay on slider video

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  • Posted in: Joyn
  • #304172
    Post count: 15


    I was wondering if there’s a way to disable to autoplay on the videos as part of the carousel? I have a client who wants an video to show (Showing the placeholder initially), with a play button on top, then when they click the button, the video plays in place of the image. I can do this no problem with custom code (We have it as a child theme) however I need to disable autoplay, then manually play it with the custom play button.

    Any advice on disabling autoplay for the background video would be much appreciated.


    David Martin – Support
    Post count: 20834

    Hi Ash,

    Just to clarify, as I cannot see on your site. Are you referring to your Swift Slider video, or an actual carousel asset? if a carousel, can you link me to it and add a WP login?


    David Martin – Support
    Post count: 20834

    Hi Ash,

    Just to clarify, as I cannot see on your site. Are you referring to your Swift Slider video, or an actual carousel asset? if a carousel, can you link me to it and add a WP login?


    Post count: 15

    Hello David,

    It’s the Swift Slider Video on the homepage at the very top, although the client has now changed their mind how they want it to work (yay). I’ll mark this as resolved for now, but should I need anything I’ll pop back over 🙂

    Sorry for the late reply, had some time off work to use up my holiday!


    David Martin – Support
    Post count: 20834

    Ok, please let us know.


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