New Landing How can we help? Themeforest Theme Support Uplift Managing Image Optimization Retina Devices with srcset

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  • Posted in: Uplift
  • #304021
    Post count: 5


    I am optimizing the speed of my site and have a question about how the Uplift Theme manages Retina vs non-Retina displays.

    I now you are using srcset and create 11/15 files of different resolutions, but my question is as follow :

    Should I upload the retina image (2x the resolution) and let WordPress create the files it needs or should I upload the 1x image ?

    If I upload the 1x image, how do I integrate the 2x image in srcset ?

    Exemple :
    Product catalog photo for Woocommerce with a standard resolution of 700px X 904px
    (the docs tells us it’s 700px X 904px by default with the Uplift Theme)

    Do I uplaod and select an image of 1400px X 1808px and let WordPress create the 700px X 904px (which it creates by default) ?

    Do I upload and select an image of 700px X 904px and tell WordPress to use another one for Retina by some other means ?

    Is it a different workflow for the Swift Slider or the Masonry display ?


    David Martin – Support
    Post count: 20834

    Usually we simply upload a decent 1x size image.

    If you specifically want to use a 2x retina images you can upload a different version and then use this plugin:

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