Please install and activate the supplied child theme, inside the child theme functions.php
file paste this and change the strings: Type and hit enter to search
* ------------------------------------------------
* @original - /swift-framework/core/sf-header.php
================================================== */
if (!function_exists('sf_get_search')) {
function sf_get_search($type) {
if ($type == "search-off") {
$sf_options = sf_get_theme_opts();
$header_search_type = $sf_options['header_search_type'];
$header_search_pt = $sf_options['header_search_pt'];
if ($type == "aux") {
$type = $header_search_type;
$search_output = "";
if ($type == "full-header-search") {
$search_output .= '<li class="menu-search parent"><a href="#" class="header-search-link fs-header-search-link"><i class="sf-icon-search"></i></a></li>'. "\n";
} else {
$search_output .= '<li class="menu-search parent"><a href="#" class="header-search-link header-search-link-alt"><i class="sf-icon-search"></i></a>'. "\n";
$search_output .= '<ul class="header-search-wrap sub-menu"><li><form method="get" class="header-search-form" action="'.home_url().'/">';
if ($header_search_pt != "any") {
$search_output .= '<input type="hidden" name="post_type" value="'.esc_attr($header_search_pt).'" />';
$search_output .= '<input type="text" placeholder="'.__("Type and hit enter to search", 'uplift').'" name="s" autocomplete="off" /></form></li></ul>'. "\n";
$search_output .= '</li>'. "\n";
return $search_output;
You manage the search result page layout here: Theme Options => Archive/Category Options