I got some issues that i could not resolve alone ! Thank you !
1. On the categories pages (for examples t-shirt) the images does not display right, for example (photo issue n°1) for some products the user is not able to see the prices. But it’s working on mobile
2. On the page product (photo issue n°2) the product is cutted and you can’t see the bottom of it. you need to see the next photo come back to the previous one, then i can see the full image (not cutted)
3. Quality of the photos is not right. (photo issue 3). At the right you can see my JPEG and on the left the photo on the website. For information, i did update the size of the image with thumbnails plugin as you mention in the tutorial or on previous topics.
4. On the homepage, i have a categories slider, but it does not work when i sort it by descending Title. I do not understand why, and for information i did update to standard in WooCommerce setting as you mention it on previous topics.
Thanks again for your answer !
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