New Landing How can we help? Themeforest Theme Support Uplift Image handeling and WPML Language Directory for the Default Language option

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  • Posted in: Uplift
  • #290267
    Post count: 5


    I have issues when trying to use the WPML option : “Language Directory for the Default Language”, which adds a /fr-ca/ or what ever language code I use after the (,, etc. )

    It’s seem’s like it was described in this tread (Atelier template):

    It’s seem’s to be due to how you manage images in :

    • Recent Posts
    • Blog
    • Meta options for pages
    • Meta options for articles

    When checking, it seem’s to be every images managed by the Swift Framework
    Woocommerce images and non translated SwiftSliders = ok

    The error message:
    Warning: getimagesize(/home/viosimo/ failed to open stream: No such file or directory in /home/viosimo/ on line 90

    Do you have a fix for this ?

    P.S. Is there a way to manage medias via relative links and not absolute path ? It’s really a pain when I transfert from –> –> to go through the database to change the absolute references…


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    David Martin – Support
    Post count: 20834


    We had resolved this with WPML for Atelier I believe (assuming this is the same issue).

    I cannot log into your site with the above details. Are you using the WPML Media plugin?

    – Do the images for each translation not switch when you change languages?

    – Please also contact WPML support and report this issue: so we can work with them to resolve this quickly.


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