New Landing How can we help? Atelier Gzip compression not working and homepage loading very slowly

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  • Posted in: Atelier
  • #289300
    Post count: 22


    My site is loading very slowly. I’m using the W3 total cache plugin (enabled minify settings in W3TC and disabled your performances options). I also used Wp Smush plugin, Lazy Load and WP Sweep…but it sounds like it’s doing nothing special because my site has bad performances in GTmetrix.
    It looks like gzip is not working and that my homepage is loading during 6 -10 secs…

    I would really appreciate if you could tell me if i’m doing something wrong…

    Thanks in advance!
    PS: I have a coming soon plugin activated (this is because I had “bypass” at the end of the url, so you can pass by the coming soon page). I know it slow down a bit too, but you can see in the image attached that the home page is loading very slowly.

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    Swift Ideas – Ed
    Post count: 15264

    Hi @sopmarteau

    This is something you’d need to take up with your hosting. I’d assume the issue is there, be it not enough php memory, or network speed. It could also be due to page size/plugins. It’s very unlikely to be the theme.

    I’d suggest speaking with your host, and seeing what they have to say. If they are in anyway decent, then they will be able to provide you with a good insight.

    – Ed

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