New Landing How can we help? Cardinal Instagram implementation next to contact formular is not visible anymore

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  • Posted in: Cardinal
  • #287733
    Post count: 60

    Dear Guys,
    the instagram implementation next to the contact form is not visible anymore and i don‘t know, why it is like that. I haven‘t changed anything, concerning this.

    Can you please doublecheck, what‘s the point here?

    Many thanks,

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    David Martin – Support
    Post count: 20834

    Please contact the plugin developers. That is not our shortcode.

    At a glance it looks like the quote marks are all wrong.

    [instalink width=“320px“ height=“200px“ image_size=“small“ bg_color=“#285989″]

    It should be:

    [instalink width="320px" height="200px" image_size="small" bg_color="#285989"]

    Post count: 60

    many thanks, problem solved

    David Martin – Support
    Post count: 20834

    No problem.

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