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  • #28758
    Post count: 4

    Where can I find a reliable source, a person who understands how to optimize a WordPress site for SPEED. I’d like to ask that person to log into my new website now while it is still young. I’ll give them access to the server and the WP admin. The instructions I read are light years beyond my comprehension level. However, I do other things outside of understanding code very well. Site:

    I’m looking for someone who understands each step here:

    I did test out my url at and got okay scores. But, I know I’ve not done anything to optimize for speed and if I did things would load a lot faster.

    Thank you

    Melanie – SUPPORT
    Post count: 11032

    You can try contacting an expert via microlancer or freelanceswitch


    Post count: 26

    Hi I generated a GT Metrix report on Dante Theme and I was Surprised…. You advertise with Page speed 92% and Y slow 92% is only 93% and 82%
    When I run a report on BMC Internet Marketing it is only A93 and C 77%

    Can you tell me what happened to the performance of your demo site and please explain wy my site (in development) is underperforming?



    Kyle – SUPPORT
    Post count: 35880


    Those speed results are from the initial launch, since then we have added many features and changed a few things so the page speed is bound to be slightly different. I will forward this to the developer to see if he can provide you with more information

    – Kyle

    Swift Ideas – Ed
    Post count: 15264

    Hi @bmcinternet

    The test also changes over time – Google change their calculations and score values occasionally. You can improve this value by adding caching/cdn etc.

    – Ed

    Post count: 26

    I fully understand all these things change over time. But if you did not maintain these GTmetrix status A A update the information by downgrading it to A B on

    I thought I purchased an A A template, actually it is not!

    Swift Ideas – Ed
    Post count: 15264

    Hi there,

    Just because the demo site doesn’t show those results, doesn’t mean it’s not an A A theme.

    The rating you’ll see there is based on many factors, such as hosting, caching, content delivery networks, the content of the page, plugins used etc. The rating on our demo site shows very little reflection of the result you will get on your hosting due to these factors, but it’s just an indictaton of what you can do with some optimisation. The demo site could show A A if we went back and changed a few things as per the page speed recommendations, but we simply don’t have the time currently.

    If you have a great hosting setup, with optimised content then you will definitely get an A A rating using Dante.

    – Ed

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