New Landing How can we help? Atelier Mobile: Recent post carousel too big & post margins on screen edge

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  • Posted in: Atelier
  • #287550
    Post count: 20


    I have a few issues that i’ve been unsuccessful with resolving on my own regarding the my site’s mobile version when it initially opens in portrait view:

    1.) Main Page: The hero image (swift slider) text isn’t minimizing small enough to eliminate unnecessary text wrapping. Can the font sizes be adjusted in portrait view to match the web layout?

    2.) Main Page: The Recent Post carousel doesn’t open at the correct size in portrait. Once the mobile device is rotated to landscape and then back to portrait it resizes correctly. How can this be fixed to open at the correct size?

    3.) Posts: The text on the posts (portrait and landscape) have no visible margins and go right up to the edge of the screen. How can I make them consistent with the footer margins?

    4.) Social Icons are missing on mobile. How can I add them to the header (top-right)?

    5.) Footer: The copyright text appears at the left-lowest section on the footer in the web/desktop view. I want to keep it there. However, in mobile it’s appearing in the middle of the footer. How can I move that line of text to the bottom of the mobile view without affecting the web view?

    Thanks in advance for your assistance!

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    Post count: 20


    #1.) what I actually need is to reduce the Main page hero image (swift slider) size in portrait view on mobile. In landscape it fits correctly.

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    David Martin – Support
    Post count: 20834

    1) Yes you can use this to amend the size for small screens:

    @media only screen and (max-width: 479px) {
    	.swiper-slide .caption-content div.caption-excerpt>h3,.swiper-slide .caption-content div.caption-excerpt>h3>span {
    		font-size: 32px!important;
    		line-height: 28px;
    		.swiper-slide .caption-content div.caption-excerpt>h5 {
    	font-size: 10px!important;
    		line-height: 28px;
    	.swift-slider-outer {
    		max-height: 300px;

    2) Please update the theme to version 2.2.10 and check the plugin Swift Framework is on version 2.4.12.

    3) For the Journal page right or a single blog post? A single post should be fixed with the above no.2.

    4) Add the [social] shortcodes to the: Theme Options => Mobile Header Options => Mobile Top Bar Text

    5) This is not possible, you have the copyright text in a footer widget. It should be within Theme Options => Footer Options => Footer Copyright Text


    Post count: 20

    1.) resolved – Thank you!
    2.) My parent theme is UTD (2.2.10) – however i’m using a child theme (1.0) for customization. Swift is UTD (2.4.12).
    3.) Updating the child theme causes issues with the site – please advise.
    4.) resolved – Thank you! (added it to the footer instead)
    5.) resolved – Thank you!

    David Martin – Support
    Post count: 20834

    2, 3) What issues? Please test the site with the child theme deactivated.

    You will need to add the latest changes from the parent theme to your child theme.


    Post count: 20

    I was able to resolve the mobile/tablet post text margin issue with the following.

    @media only screen {
    .spb_content_element.col-sm-12.spb_text_column {
    margin-left: 5% !important;
    margin-right: 5% !important;

    David Martin – Support
    Post count: 20834

    Great, glad you got it sorted!


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