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  • #28581
    Post count: 41


    I recently purchased your theme and I’m running into several issues already!

    1) I have spent hours trying to upload the demo. I’ve read all the topics and pages written by people with the same problem. It has been impossible to get it to work properly. I’ve tried EVERYTHING. Changed the php limits, tried the alt version, tried the split version, everything. I managed to install a VERY corrupt version of the alt_demo and everything looks horrible!

    2)Images are blurry, many are missing and the product pages look, to put it simply, wrong!

    3)When creating variable products the ‘add to cart’ does not appear upon selection of the attribute, meaning that the shop is useless if the customer cannot purchase the product.

    The reason I purchased this theme over others is the customer support but I’ve already spent hours dealing with an issue (upload demo) that hasn’t been solved for many users in months.

    I would appreciate it if you helped me with a clean install and uploaded of the demo from your side. I can provide you with all my details cpanel, wordpress etc.

    Thank you.

    laranz – SUPPORT
    Post count: 3186


    1. You can try this ? you can increase the max execution time, increase max upload file size, increase max post size, in that case you don’t know how to set those values, contact your host they will help you.

    2. You can try this kb article about the image quality

    Let me know, what you got.


    Post count: 41

    Hi Laranz,

    I finally managed to upload the demo content (it wasn’t easy) but still face problems. You didn’t reply to #3 which is the most important right now as I can’t use the shop without that button.

    Everything is updated (browser, theme, wordpress, plugins). I cleared the cache. Tried deactivating plugins and reinstalling theme. Tried on several browsers and computers and the button won’t appear.

    I posted the issues here:

    Please take a look.

    Melanie – SUPPORT
    Post count: 11032

    So I can close this issue as you opened another thread about it? We need to keep it down to one thread per issue please.


    Post count: 41

    Sure Melanie. Apologies for the duplicate.

    Melanie – SUPPORT
    Post count: 11032

    Thanks, no problem!

Viewing 6 posts - 1 through 6 (of 6 total)

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