New Landing How can we help? Themeforest Theme Support Neighborhood how to improve the speed

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  • #28493
    Post count: 43

    I want to improve the speed of the site because it’s impossible to use

    Post count: 43

    I don’t know why your site is so fast tell us which service you are using and we will use them too!! It’s not possible that doesn’t work!

    Post count: 43

    it’s impossible that I can’t work with your product I’d like to use it but for now I can’t explain to myself why. Help me and each other has the same issue. It’s not possible give us support we need it.

    Cosmin – SUPPORT
    Post count: 3851


    We’re using a dedicated server, that’s why our site is fast. This is the first thing – a quality, not cheap, web host.

    From there on, there are tons of tutorials on improving site speed, as well as WordPress plugins that help with this. Also, look into using Cloudflare. Tip: stay away from code minification, that will almost always break stuff in complex themes.



    UDTHEMES Support

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