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  • #28134
    Post count: 282


    Just wondering what we need to set the pixel sizes to if we require the images to be wide rather than tall. I have set Woocommerce Catalogue & Single Product Images to 540w x 360h, and everything works great in the shop and product pages. However, the vertical spacing on the home page (where I’ve put a featured products shortcode) is still at the original proportion (to suit 540w x 720h), so there is a big gap / misalignment like the div(?) is too tall.

    Where do I need to change the code to make it work?

    cheers, Kurt

    Melanie – SUPPORT
    Post count: 11032

    Have you regenerated your thumbnails already?

    Post count: 282

    Yes, I had. Just playing with it again now, and noticed there is a neighborhood feature in the pagebuilder that duplicates the same function – and it works perfect!

    Thanks for the help.

    Melanie – SUPPORT
    Post count: 11032

    Fantastic 🙂

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