New Landing How can we help? Atelier Issues with July 1st update

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  • Posted in: Atelier
  • #279837
    Post count: 20

    We have 2 issues going on.

    We recently upgraded to the latest version of Atelier and WooCommerce and updated all other plugins on the site. We are also using the WooCommerce Shipment Tracking plugin (

    ISSUE 1: Since the latest theme update the Shipment Tracking link which was showing on my My Account page is missing.

    ISSUE 2: When you are on the My Account page and go to view an old order, the old order does not load. A status message shows at the top of the screen showing the order number and status… and the side navigation loads a second time in the area where the order details should be

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    Can anyone get some eyeballs on this issue?

    David Martin – Support
    Post count: 20834


    We do not overwrite the My Account template, it is the standard WooCommerce account page.

    1) Did you originally modify the core Woo template files? If the plugin is not automatically adding the link to the account page, you will need to either a. contact the plugin developers or b. install and activate the child theme and override the My Account template file. I can help you out with option b.

    2) Do you have a login with orders I can view this on? The supplied account has no orders.

    Post count: 20

    While there are some core WooCommerce templates that have been overwritten, the my-account.php file has not been. That is still the original at /wp-content/plugins/woocommerce/templates/myaccount/my-account.php

    I do not have any customer logins that I can give you, but I do have a work around. You can go into WooCommerce –> Orders and find an order tied to a user account (blue & clickable user names). Click on the users name and look for the “Switch To” link right above the Name filed in the WordPress –> Users dashboard (courtesy of the User Switching plugin). When done, be sure to scroll to the bottom of whatever page you are viewing while signed in as a customer and in the lower left hand corner you will see a link to switch back to your original profile.

    We did test the WooCommerce Shipment Tracking plugin with the default 2015 theme and it added the tracking information to the My Account page with that default theme.

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    Is anyone able to take a look at this?

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    We think the issue with both is closely related to ISSUE that we reported earlier.

    ISSUE 2: When you are on the My Account page and go to view an old order, the old order does not load. A status message shows at the top of the screen showing the order number and status… and the side navigation loads a second time in the area where the order details should be

    Is anyone available to help work on this?

    Post count: 20

    Is anyone looking at our ticket. We logged it a week ago, were asked for a login… which we provided and we have heard nothing but crickets since then….

    David Martin – Support
    Post count: 20834

    As per our support policy: Adding an extra reply to your topic, as per our support policy, will take it back in the queue and take us longer to reply to you. Please refrain for doing this. If you need to add extra info, then please edit your last reply.

    I have just tried to login and the details supplied do not work.

    Username: bbswebmaster
    Password: )u)tNhNHxF!V#kJhRHXAdoBN

    Update those for us and we will look at this as a matter of high priority for you.


    Post count: 20

    Earlier I replied that we had to change the password. Use this to login:



    David Martin – Support
    Post count: 20834


    I selected the oldest order you have, switched to that user and it displayed the order fine:

    I do however see a big on the View Order Page:

    We do not interact with this page, neither do we modify it via the theme. Please can you disable all plugins leaving only Swift Framework and WooCommerce active to test this further?


    Post count: 20

    I cannot disable all of the plugins on our live production site as that is a primary source of our income. However we do have a dev/staging site that I can give you access to where the problem also exists.

    The URL is Please use the same login as the live site.

    With every plugin turned off except for Swift Framework and WooCommerce active, things work. However as soon as the
    WooCommerce Shipment Tracking plugin is activated, the problem returns.

    So it appears to be a conflict with the theme or the Swift Framework and the WooCommerce Shipment Tracking plugin.

    ***We only logged the second/duplicate ticket since this one went several days without a response. Thank you for working on this ticket with us.

    David Martin – Support
    Post count: 20834


    Please confirm the issue you refer to is my second screenshot? The initial report of old orders not showing in the my account seems to not be an issue.

    You mentioned a previous developer modified core theme files or WooCommerce plugins files, was this to make this issue work? Have they any report of what they did? They should have placed this within a child theme.


    Post count: 20

    The issue is the second screenshot you sent over. I’ve attached a screenshot of what we see. I’ve also attached an email as to what we should see

    I don’t think any of core WooCommerce templates were overwritten by the previous developer, the my-account.php file has not been. That is still the original at /wp-content/plugins/woocommerce/templates/myaccount/my-account.php. Our theme file structure looks just like the file structure in the base Atelier theme. All templates that were overwritten are in the /wp-content/themes/atelier/woocommerce folder. Those appear to be as-is from the base theme we downloaded from ThemeForest. (I’ve zipped them up and attached them)

    The My-Account.php is not among those.

    We never had any problems with the My account page until the most recent theme update

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