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  • #27932
    Post count: 97


    Yesterday I got a pretty nasty complaint from my client.
    He’s a photographer and he asked me for the size of the images for the small ones at product catalogue and the big ones in the product page.
    I told him that as far as I know, one image fits all.
    This is nice when someone doesn’t want to go much in to detail but as you know, is not the same use the one image for all sizes just resizing then use several images set up for different sizes like the product catalogue (smaller image) or the product itself (big image).
    I guess there is no solution for this, nevertheless you should considerer the possibility of using diferent images, and not the same for all.

    Thanks for your understanding

    laranz – SUPPORT
    Post count: 3186


    Those are different images of the same image, you can see the size in Woocommerce -> Settings -> Catalogo -> Image Sizes.

    You don’t want difference size images of the same image? you want to use a image resizer like that? I get the question correct?

    Let me know, what you got.


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