New Landing How can we help? Atelier Shipping Calculator Issue

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  • Posted in: Atelier
  • #278227
    Post count: 43

    I am having an issue with the shipping calculator in Atelier 2.1.51. When a customer in a shipping zone that allows free pickup as an option (in my case, the state of California) reaches the shopping cart, they cannot select other delivery options in the shipping calculator because the radio button freezes on the free pickup option and cannot be unselected.

    I thought this issue might be a WooCommerce problem, but the shipping calculator works correctly when I switch to other themes. For the time being I have disabled the shipping calculator so as not to upset my customers. This issue does not occur on the Checkout page, which works fine. Only the shopping cart page.

    Andy idea why this might be happening? Is a fix on the way?

    FYI, my site sells adult products and may not be appropriate for sensitive viewers.

    David Martin – Support
    Post count: 20834


    WooCommerce 2.6.2 has a fix for this I believe.

    Can you update to that, clear your browser cache and re-test?


    Post count: 43

    Hi David,

    I thought that might work, but I just tried and am still having the same issue. I can choose other shipping methods in the shipping calculator when using Storefront (Wootheme’s Woocommerce theme) or 2016, but not in Atelier.

    Any other suggestion?


    David Martin – Support
    Post count: 20834


    I have to be 100% honest here, locating this issue is somewhat tricky as I work from a location where I am not in a private environment. That said I’ll try to locate what is causing this as I can view the WP admin and core theme files and test locally.

    1) I cannot inspect the child theme contents, can you add your FTP details?

    2) Can you update the parent theme version:

    3) Can you test with the child theme deactivated.


    Post count: 43

    Thank you David for your assistance. My admin doesn’t like to give out FTP details, but here is a zip of all of our files to examine:

    I have updated the parent theme and tested with the child theme deactivated, but I still have the same issue.

    I’ve reactivated the shipping calculator so that you can see exactly what happens on the cart page when you try to calculate shipping to a California zip code (try 92262) and then try to pick another form of shipping besides factory pickup.

    I hope this information generates a clue as to what might be happening!


    Swift Ideas – Ed
    Post count: 15264

    Please add this custom css:

    .cart_totals > p {
    clear: both;

    That will sort the issue. It’s merely a display issue where the small text below the table is incorrectly laid out over the options.

    – Ed

    Post count: 43

    Thank you Ed! That did it!

    Kyle – SUPPORT
    Post count: 35880

    Great, thanks Ed

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