New Landing How can we help? Atelier Disconnected from WordPress

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  • Posted in: Atelier
  • #278220
    Post count: 12

    Hi there,

    I am writing to get some help once again, to get the site up and started after many issues.

    For a few months now, we have been stuck, where everything was broken between Atelier/Wordpress. As mentioned on a previous topic, the media library was gone, and the site would never actually load. It was/is stuck for a long time, and no amount of adjusting the settings would change anything. We were unable to resolve this, including a missing media library, with the support team. So then we installed another theme on the site for a while, thinking if then we switch back to Atelier, we’d be able to start a clean slate and that things would function again.

    However now Atelier is disconnected from our wordpress site, and we cannot find a way to reconnect these again. The wordpress menu looks completely different, and we cannot figure out how to make Atelier the theme once again. Can you please help us reconnect Atelier to our wordpress site?


    David Martin – Support
    Post count: 20834

    Hi Emily,

    The theme is installed, it now requires the content to be added or imported via our plugin. Atelier Demo Content.

    Here is the theme documentation:


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