New Landing How can we help? Atelier Taking support tickets in line

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  • Posted in: Atelier
  • #277656
    Post count: 163

    It seems I cannot edit my support questions – and I believe I will be bumped back in line if I reply to the support questions, so here goes:

    Several times I have experienced that you do not take care of support questions in line – you seem to jump between them and thus seem to forget some – in this case my two questions posted 1 and 2 days ago:

    Ajax requests

    Avoid server calls

    I know some questions are easier to answer than others, but if you clearly state that you always answer support tickets as the come this should be your way forward. Otherwise I as a customer feel you are neglecting.

    David Martin – Support
    Post count: 20834

    All have now been answered. We currently have one team member on his annual leave this week so please be patient.


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