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  • Posted in: Uplift
  • #276105
    Post count: 17


    The Swift Framework on the homepage is displaying strangely… Any edits within a row only change when the row is moved up or down the page. It’s making it really difficult to edit the page.

    This is the same page I’m having the difficulty with the Blog element. Could these things be related?

    Please help.

    Best wishes,


    David Martin – Support
    Post count: 20834

    Hi Lucy,

    Please disable your caching plugins whilst we look into this.

    It’s not something I can replicate on my dev version. – So the settings in the back-end Page Builder assets are not showing on the front-end until the position is moved?


    Post count: 17


    Sorry for the delay – have disabled WP Super Cache.

    No, they’re showing fine in the front end, so that’s not a massive issue but it just means that its making edits a little tricky as I’m having to move elements around the page to be able to make any changes.

    In this page: I’m trying to have the option to be able to jump to a month using anchors – but still making use of the timeline display. I’ve set the blog elements up so they should be doing this (I’ve created categories for each month, and each element should just pull through one month (there’s 3 blog elements on this page). I’m not sure if the trouble I’m having with the framework is the cause of this or if maybe it’s just not working because I’m using 3 different blog elements? Or I’m being silly and totally missing something!!

    Thanks so much,


    David Martin – Support
    Post count: 20834


    I’m not sure if that’s entirely possible.

    The best way to do this is use three Row assets, each with a unique Row ID that you can link to.

    Here, I set up a test of this:


    Post count: 17

    Hello David,

    Thanks for that! I’ve tried to replicate your layout here:

    The middle element isn’t displaying properly though and I can’t work out why!

    Is this something I’ve done or do you suggest another way to do this? I really like the timeline layout but I do need the option to “jump to” posts in certain months and/or years.


    Best wishes,


    David Martin – Support
    Post count: 20834


    What you are trying to do is really not possible out the box, so ideally you’d need to work with a developer to intergrate this.

    Please test adding this to your page:

    .page-id-16493, {
        visibility: visible;


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