New Landing How can we help? Atelier Product Shop Display Spacing Issues

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  • Posted in: Atelier
  • #272790
    Post count: 30

    There seems to be an issue with the shop display pages where the space margins in between different rows of products are not separated enough.

    See attached screenshots for examples. This affects all product shop pages on our site and we have tested in different browsers both on desktop and mobile all with the same issue.

    For example in the first screenshot, I am showing the last row and the second to last row so you can see the difference is that the last row shows the “add to cart” button but on the second to last row (and all preceding rows) it doesn’t show the add to cart button because the product image thumbnail in the next row down is blocking it (not enough margin spacing between rows).

    Sometimes as a workaround we use a combination of the product element with blank spacer elements to effectively manually create rows of products but this is frustrating because we need to create a product element for each individual row and blank spacers between each row rather than just having this done automatically. Also there is no option for this customization if we are using the woocommerce default shop pages since these don’t use page builder elements.

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    Kyle – SUPPORT
    Post count: 35880


    Are you using version 2.1.1 if Atelier? And have you made all other updates?

    – Kyle

    Post count: 30

    Hi Kyle,

    Yes we are using 2.1.1 and have made all updates.

    David Martin – Support
    Post count: 20834

    Please add a WP login/URL for us to take a closer look.


    Post count: 30
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    David Martin – Support
    Post count: 20834

    Are you referring to instances such as this:

    I updated your site to version 2.1.2 and this improved the output:

    I see your site is showing many console errors which is likely also interfering with the isotope JS layout calculation.

    Can you please deactivate all plugins whilst we look into this, I ask this as this is not something I can replicate on my local development version.


    Post count: 30

    Hi David,

    Yes this is what we are referring to. And agree the output does seem better after the 2.1.2 update although still not in all areas of the site (see attached image from after 2.1.2 update)

    As much as we would like to get this issue fixed, its not really feasible for us to deactivate all plugins on the site since that would make our store non-functional. Are there any specific plugins that you think could be the cause that we could selectively deactivate temporarily and not affect the whole site?


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    Rui Guerreiro – SUPPORT
    Post count: 25779


    This should be done at a time with less visitors, the test should be fast. This can be done in 5 minutes, you can also enable the maintenance mode if necessary.

    You can keep the Woocommerce and SwiftFramework always active.


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