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Install theme content as per demo site as discussed. If possible would you help us upload child theme to?
Thank you
Hi @chemtu
Can you confirm which demo you would like us to import?
– Ed
Hi, exactly like this one
All done!
I am having an issue uploading the demo theme. Can you help me with installing it. It has been like this for an hour (pic attached)
here is the error that I get when I try to retry to add the demo content
Hi there,
Please check this guide:
Try setting it to 128
I am not even able to pull up my login for wordpress now because of the error
You need to access using ftp and increase the memory inside wp-config.php like Ed advised.
I am sorry I do not know enough about this to do that. Would you be able to help. I went into the FTP via filezilla. I also logged into go daddy file manager and although I see the file it doesn’t give me the option to edit it. Please help.
In that case, provide me the ftp credentials in a private reply so I can try it.
I can’t connect with those details. Any specific port or option?
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