New Landing How can we help? Themeforest Theme Support Neighborhood Product Issue – Change Picture if you change Variation

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  • #27151
    Post count: 16

    Dear Community,

    You helped me to solve my problem how to put different variations in one product like size or colour but how i can set that the picture change automaticly if you change the colour.

    Hope you understand my english ^^

    Thanks for your help

    Post count: 99

    Check out the video here:
    That should help you.

    Post count: 16

    I knwo that video already. I knwo how to put different variations but i want to know example i sell a shirt in colour red and blue. And if someone pick colour blue that the picture chance automaticly from red shirt to a blue shirt

    Post count: 8

    Yes, I also need help in this area. I have noticed if there are “gallery images” in a product with variations, that the correct product picture will not display in accordance with the product that has been selected in the dropdown.

    Product without “gallery images” match image with selection 50% of the time.

    Please advise, it’s provides for a distasteful shopping exp.

    Thank you!

    Melanie – SUPPORT
    Post count: 11032

    The images should switch upon changing the variation. Can one of you let me know your login details?

    Post count: 8
    This reply has been marked as private.
    Melanie – SUPPORT
    Post count: 11032

    Hey, can you follow this thread? It seems lots of people have this issue and the developer is already notified about it!

Viewing 7 posts - 1 through 7 (of 7 total)

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