New Landing How can we help? Themeforest Theme Support Dante Woocommerce causing massive GPU usage

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  • Posted in: Dante
  • #268640
    Post count: 76

    Hi, I received a 280 euro bill for excess GPU usage from my host last month. I checked my usage report and saw that for some reason woocommerce was using a mad amount of GPU’s. Since i was sold out of all products anyway, I deactivated the plugin and my GPU use dropped a little, but it’s still huge and still shows as it’s all coming from woocommerce usage.

    How can it be possible after I deactivated the plugin, and why is this suddenly happening anyway? I have attached a screenshot of my GPU usage to show you. I just got another warning that I will be charged an excess fee again so I want to try to stop it before it happens. Please advice, thanks!

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    Post count: 76

    Actually I see the issue they say is the file is missing? How can I stop the plugin being called? Shouldnt that happen anyway when its deactivated? In any case, i get excess GPU usage as a result of woocommenrce suddenly, when it is active as well as not active. ANy advice would be great! thanks

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    Mohammad – SUPPORT
    Post count: 27441

    The developer of theme will assist you shortly.

    Post count: 76

    Ok thanks, soon hopefully as every day I dont fix this costs me money in excess GPU charges!

    Swift Ideas – Ed
    Post count: 15264

    Hi @derestricted

    This is not an issue with the theme, those files are within plugins. I’d guess its a permissions or htaccess issue, and something you’d need to contact your host about – nothing we can do for that.

    – Ed

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