New Landing How can we help? Atelier Customising the checkout page

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  • Posted in: Atelier
  • #263375
    Post count: 20

    Thank you for giving us this wonderful theme. There is one area though, that I think Atelier should improve and that is the checkout page.I asked on the themeforest and they said this is a place where I can get better help.

    I want to put the Name and last name on one row, (also email and telephone) instead of separate row for each. Im sure it can improve the user experience a lot. The example of what I want is the flatsome theme:

    Also of secondary importance is changing the icons of “lOGIN” and “Coupon” area. Can we put something else instead of that “info” icon?

    Thank you!

    Kyle – SUPPORT
    Post count: 35880


    Add this to your custom css:

    .woocommerce form #customer_details #billing_first_name_field, .woocommerce form #customer_details #billing_last_name_field, .woocommerce form #customer_details #billing_email_field, .woocommerce form #customer_details #billing_phone_field {
      float: left;
      width: 49%;
    .woocommerce form #customer_details #billing_first_name_field, .woocommerce form #customer_details #billing_email_field {
      margin-right: 2%;

    – Kyle

    Post count: 20

    Thank you so much. Always best support. I did everything to remove certain fields myself, following instructions, but simply couldnt find a way to remove checkout fields, and I would like to remove “Company”, “City” and “Province” , while increasing the “Adress field” heights so more info can be put there. Can u please solve this one too ? Thank you again!

    Post count: 20

    Actually figured it out myself, except of how to turn the address field into a textarea. and Still dont know how to change the icons.Thank you

    Kyle – SUPPORT
    Post count: 35880

    The CSS for the icon is:

    .woocommerce .woocommerce-info:before, .woocommerce-page .woocommerce-info:before {
        content: "\f05a";
        font-family: FontAwesome;

    You will need to edit the content code, icons available are here:

    – Kyle

    Post count: 20

    thats cool, but do they have to be same icons? Cse for login its nice to be User like icon and for coupon i can choose something else. Isnt there such option?

    Kyle – SUPPORT
    Post count: 35880

    Unfortunately not, has to be one of the icons that are integrated in the theme

    – Kyle

    Post count: 20

    I noticed that the “Order summary” appears a bit too narrow and ugly on tablets.And the credit card input fields even narrower than that. Can we increase the width so it can better snap to the screen? This only happens on tablets. The desktop and mobile is all right.

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    Rui Guerreiro – SUPPORT
    Post count: 25779

    Try to add the code below to your custom css option.

    @media (min-width: 768px){
    .review-order-wrap {
        padding: 45px 25px 30px;


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