New Landing How can we help? Atelier Delay newsletter and embed on page

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  • Posted in: Atelier
  • #259096
    Post count: 129

    Hi, I have two questions about the newsletter bar that’s included with the theme.

    1. Is it possible to delay it so it only slides up 30 seconds after a visitor has browsed the site (giving them a chance to work out what it’s about and whether they’re interested before prompting them for a sign up)?

    2. Is it possible to use your existing functionality and embed it at the bottom of every page, similar to this?


    David Martin – Support
    Post count: 20834

    1) This is not currently possible, there are many plugins available to handle more complex newsletter scenarios.

    2) Yes, if you want the newsletter bar to not be fixed, please use this CSS:

    #sf-newsletter-bar {
        position: relative;


    Post count: 129

    Thank you, it would be great to consider adding this to a future update as these bars are more effective if people are able to browse the site and understand what it’s about before they are prompted to give up their personal details.

    Are you able to provide an example of how the relative newsletter bar would work? Would it scroll as if it is embedded as part of the page? If so, does it automatically sit at the bottom of the page (under the footer) or can I determine where it appears on the page?

    Kyle – SUPPORT
    Post count: 35880

    Yes it will stick to the bottom of the page so will only be visibile when the user reaches the bottom

    – Kyle

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