New Landing How can we help? Atelier Google Search Meta – ??

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  • Posted in: Atelier
  • #258540
    Post count: 181


    Can you please help assist on why this is showing on google meta when performing a search for our company name in google. The one page is showing the following text in the description shown to the public: atelier_theme_team_3b-1.

    MAIN DISH. atelier_theme_team_3b-1. $15.00.

    Nothing shows on the page itself for the atelier_theme_team_3b-1. Can you help kindly.

    Thank you

    Post count: 181

    Additional Question:

    On the meta shown on google search under that page link. How can I change this to show text suppose to random text on the page?? Is there a excerpt for this?

    David Martin – Support
    Post count: 20834


    Please install the YOAST SEO plugin. You can then set the page Title, Desc and keywords for each post, page and post type.

    Ultimately, Google will decide what text it shows with your site – it does this when it crawls your site. This can be daily or sometimes monthly, it depends again on Google.


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