New Landing How can we help? Cardinal Changing header/footer bars transparent

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  • Posted in: Cardinal
  • #256193
    Post count: 21

    Hello! I love your theme, I just have a few questions…

    1- For the homepage, I just want a static page with no scrolling and 1 background image. I would like the header and footer menus to float over the image with no colored bar behind them. (similar to this site:

    2- I cannot change the font or format for the footer menu, I want the font to be the same as the header menu. I don’t need the vertical lines separating the different pages on the footer menu. Please help!

    3- For the footer menu FOLLOW button, I would like 2 submenu options to appear: INSTAGRAM and PINTEREST. See example here:

    4- How do I implement the subscription with MailChimp? When you click newsletter, I would like a box to pop up where you can enter your email address. See example here:

    Thank you in advance for your help!!

    David Martin – Support
    Post count: 20834

    1) Create Row, add a background image and set this to full window height. Be sure to remove the Top/Bottom spacing from within the page Meta Options => Page Meta

    2) This is inherited from the body and headings font settings. You can override this with CSS:

    div#footer-wrap {
        font-family: Quicksand;
        text-transform: uppercase;
        text-align: center;
        letter-spacing: 0.5px;
        font-weight: 400;
        font-style: normal;
        font-size: 14px;

    3) The footer does not support nested sub menu’s, you would need a developer to do this for you.

    4) You can put your MailChimp code inside a modal shortcode. Have you tested that?


    Post count: 21

    Hi David,
    Thanks so much for your help! Still a few things, though…
    1- I want the header and footer to be transparent (no colored bar behind when you scroll or when it is static ) just the menus/words to be visible over the image. See attached screenshot.

    2- This code fixed the font, thanks! How do I remove the vertical lines on the footer menu- the lines between NEWSLETTER | FOLLOW | CONTACT | POLICIES?

    3- Noted, thanks.

    4- No I haven’t, how do I do that?

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    David Martin – Support
    Post count: 20834

    I cannot view any pages, even if I am logged in. I see the maintenance page, can you disable that?


    Post count: 21

    I have disabled the maintenance mode.

    Thank you!!

    David Martin – Support
    Post count: 20834


    #main-nav, .header-wrap[class*="page-header-naked"] #header-section .is-sticky #main-nav, #header-section .is-sticky .sticky-header, #header-section.header-5 #header, .header-wrap[class*="page-header-naked"] #header .is-sticky .sticky-header, .header-wrap[class*="page-header-naked"] #header-section.header-5 #header .is-sticky .sticky-header {
        background-color: transparent;

    A transparent footer would not work unfortunately.


    #copyright nav .menu li {
        border-left-color: transparent!important;

    4) Insert the modal shortcode into a page, then for the modal content paste in your Mailchimp code.


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