New Landing How can we help? Themeforest Theme Support Neighborhood How can I make my custom favicon secure for SSL pages RE: mixed content

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  • #256166
    Post count: 31

    Hello – with Firefox (and other browsers) I am getting a message saying the checkout page is not secure (you will need to go to the shop page and add something to your cart – then visit checkout page). I am positive the issue is the non-secure http://…faveicon.ico (mixed content) inserted by your theme that I have set under the theme general options (if I remove the setting for the custom favicon the page shows as secure!). There is no option to provide simply a secure URL for the favicon as I can only select items from within the media gallery (and no editing of the url is permitted). Is there a way to correct this? Do I need to remove the custom favicon and then add my own secure link to it by editing my own child-theme header.php file (but there has to be simpler way than that)?

    Mohammad – SUPPORT
    Post count: 27441

    Please remove the favicon from the theme options and upload it again through theme options. I am sure that it should to you.

    Post count: 31

    OK – I just tried this. Renamed the file as well. It still comes up on the checkout page as http://…favicon.png
    and not https://

    David Martin – Support
    Post count: 20834
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