New Landing How can we help? Atelier Pinterest button not working

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  • Posted in: Atelier
  • #252044
    Post count: 25


    I hope you can help with some social sharing issues I’m having?
    1) I have ‘Pin It’ buttons appearing on all my images when I hover, which I want, but I’m not able to click them before they disappear. Is there a way of resolving this by tweaking the CSS at all?

    2)Second query – when I add the ‘social share’ shortcode into a page I create, i want to just include Facebook and twitter in this, not pinterest as no image is selected for sharing when you click on the pinterest button (unless there’s a way of adapting it so there is an image?). I do want the pinterest button to appear on product pages though as this shares the image nicely.

    3) When someone clicks on the Facebook share button on a product, it just shares the website url details and not the product. is there a way to change this?

    thanks very much for your help

    David Martin – Support
    Post count: 20834

    1) I don’t see this, have you removed it? Sounds like you are referring to a plugin?

    2) You would use the shortcode setting” [social type=’facebook, twtter’] The Pinterest social icon would not be able to share a specific image from a page.

    3) I think that is because you are behind a maintenance page, when the site is live it should be as per our demo:


    Post count: 25

    Hi David,

    Thanks for getting back to me on this. In reply –
    1) its not a plugin – it’s Pinterest’s browser button working if you have it installed to allow you to pin images from any site. It should appear on hover (which it does) then you should be able to click it but when i go to click it disappears and i can’t do it. I thought it might have something to do with the styling of the images. I thought maybe one of your team might have been asked about it before so it was worth asking you as I’m not sure where to start? It would be useful to add the functionality on the site itself to have a pin it button appearing on the images. is this an option/possibility?

    2)Hi this shortcode setting isn’t working properly. Its only displaying the facebook symbol and then it just takes me to the site’s facebook page whereas i specifically want a ‘share’ button that shares the content of the page on the users’ own Facebook profile. It worked for Facebook and twitter with the ‘social share’ shortcode but the pinterest button is redundant so i just want to remove it. Does this make sense and is there a shortcode that can do it?

    3) I disabled maintenance mode and logged out and it didn’t make a difference. Is there anything I can do here so people can share content from specific page?

    many thanks for all your help with this

    David Martin – Support
    Post count: 20834

    1) This is not something that is possible – you could look at using a plugin, there are loads freely available for this.

    2) As above, it sounds like a 3rd party plugin is your best option for this.

    3) Did you test the theme demo Facebook ‘share’ link: ? I have see it before that FB cache’s the share link which then causes an issue like this.


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