New Landing How can we help? Atelier Better Replace Plugin

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  • Posted in: Atelier
  • #251611
    Post count: 24

    Hi I’ve been using the info in the original post about the Better Replace Plugin for updating shortcodes to update my site to atelier. Not all the codes are here that I need, specifically the image short code.
    What can I replace ” [vc_single_image ” with? (In my blog non of my images in the post appear and they use this code)

    I already tried replacing the “[spb_single_image” with the “[spb_image” code, and it didnt work.
    Do I just replace the “vc” with the “spb” for shortocodes that are similar but not exact? ie: replace [vc_single_image for [vc_image. Is this accurate?

    Mohammad – SUPPORT
    Post count: 27441

    You cant replace the shortcode like this. You have to change it manually.

    Post count: 24

    Hi Mohammad, I have around 40 different blog posts with around 10 photos each. Is there a way that I can change them in bulk?

    Also are there other short codes I need to replace that aren’t on the knowledge base post about switching themes? I noticed that not all of the functionality is the new theme yet.

    Kyle – SUPPORT
    Post count: 35880
    Post count: 24

    Hi Kyle, I have been following that post in the knowledgebase. Thats where I learned about the Better Replace Plugin.
    My issue is with the image shortcode which isn’t listed on that page in the forum. (

    The shortcode is
    here is an example of a blog post where non of the images appear:

    Kristina & Kamila: From Ukraine to Brighton Beach

    Can I replace [vc_single_image with a new image shortcode using the plugin? Or is there a different problem that I’m missing?

    Thanks in advance for the help.

    Kyle – SUPPORT
    Post count: 35880

    Can you paste the full VC shortcode here so I can compare with page builder shortcode

    – Kyle

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