New Landing How can we help? Atelier Critical issue: Products added to cart, not storing on visiting homepage

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  • Posted in: Atelier
  • #249701
    Post count: 32


    A strange issue has been brought to our attention by our customers.

    When you add a product to cart, the cart icon in the header is updated to reflect the addition of the product. However, if you then visit the homepage, the cart icon doesn’t show the added product number correctly. It isn’t updated with the latest products added to cart.

    So, if I have added 2 products to cart, then go to the homepage (or any non-woo page), the cart (icon) shows zero. When I go back to any woocommerce page the cart icon shows the correct number.

    I have disabled every plugin apart from woocommerce, have an untampered theme install and have spoken to hosting to see if it is a cache issue (No), BUT the issue persists.

    It is driving me crazy!

    I have provided the staging site login, as it is free from caching to assist with troubleshooting.

    I even selected a different homepage to see if there was coding on the page causing an issue, but it is the same. therefore the Home in the menu is different from the page when you click the logo.

    I hope that is clear.


    P.S If i do a ctrl + f5 broswer refresh on the homepage, the correct cart number shows

    Kyle – SUPPORT
    Post count: 35880


    I went to the shop page, added 2 products to my cart, then went to the home page and the number is still correct:

    – Kyle

    Post count: 32

    Hi Kyle,

    Thanks for looking at this.

    I am surprised you got a different result.

    OK, I changed the homepage link in the menu to be the actual homepage. What was there was another page that was left over as part of my troubleshooting.

    Can you try again after your clear your browser cache as it happens every time for me and our customers.


    Kyle – SUPPORT
    Post count: 35880


    My colleague has an idea about this, so will forward to him for you

    – Kyle

    Post count: 32

    Hi Kyle great.

    I noticed in a site playback video, you had the same result as me second time round.

    Weird isn’t it?

    Looking forward to an update


    Rui Guerreiro – SUPPORT
    Post count: 25779


    Tried to login but the credentials didn’t worked, can you check them again?
    This seems to something related to a cache plugin or cookies.

    Provide me the login details to see if I can find something.


    Post count: 32
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    Post count: 32

    If it helps, it works when you add one product to cart, the issue begin with more.

    Also I have an old test install with v1.8.2 and wp 4.3.2 and it works fine.


    David Martin – Support
    Post count: 20834


    Can you clear your cache and now re-test:


    Post count: 32

    Hi David,

    I’ve had a senior support technician at wpengine look at this and confirm that is has nothing to do with caching or anything server side.

    However, I have done what you have asked (browser cache) and the issue is still present.

    In his opinion, given that site caching is not present and all plugins have been disabled is it a theme issue.

    The staging sites at wpengine do not have caching.

    I have no cache plugins installed and have disabled all plugins except woocommerce at the issue is still present.

    To replicate what is happening:
    Not-logged in:
    1) add more than 1 products (2) to the cart
    2) go to homepage (cart number is correct at this stage at 2 products)
    3) visit the shop pages and add another 2 products
    4) visit homepage – cart total stays at 2 and not 4 as it should be
    5) if you go to a shop page cart shows 4 products
    6) if you go back to homepage, the carts shows 2 products

    It seems to very strongly indicate a theme issue.


    David Martin – Support
    Post count: 20834


    Thanks I can replicate this with your steps, though I am not 100% sure on what is causing it. Let me run this past our lead dev for a second opinion.


    Post count: 32

    Hi David,

    Thank you very much for the confirmation. I felt like I was going mad! Such a strange issue.

    I am really looking forward to learning of a fix, as I very much like the work you guys have done with Atelier.


    Post count: 32

    Hi guys,

    I just wanted to update you that I believe I found the culprit causing the issue.

    I’ve been on a mission with a step by step logical troubleshoot.

    It seems to be something in my heavily modified htaccess file. I went back to a standard setting and it is working as intended.

    It seems something in woo2.5.2 conflicted with an htaccess optimization.

    I am running further tests and will close the thread to resolved once I have fully concluded it is resolved.

    I need some sleep first!


    David Martin – Support
    Post count: 20834


    Where was that .htaccess file located? In the site root, or in the Woo plugin folder?


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