I’m a long-time customer and just switched from Flexform to Atelier. I know the site isn’t pretty now, and I’m making adjustments to get back to normal. My problem is that I can no longer access the Custom Css page (originally under theme options > general). There is a new Css menu but my custom Css is not there. I really need to delete most of it, maybe all of it, to get this new theme to look good. Below is what I had, how can I find this in the backend to modify it?
/* Full width logo code */
#header-section #logo {
width: 100%;
#header-section #logo img, #header-section #logo img.retina {
margin: 0 auto;
/* Full width menu code */
#nav-section {
width: 100%!important;
.nav-wrap {
float: none!important;
#main-navigation {
float: none;
width: 100%;
height: 48px;
text-align: center;
nav .menu li {
float: none;
/* Disable the nav search */
#nav-search {
display: none;
/* Responsive code */
@media only screen and (max-width: 767px) {
#header-section #logo img, #header-section #logo img.retina {
margin-bottom: 20px;
#main-navigation {
width: auto;
height: auto;
text-align: left;
#header-section {
padding: 0 0 !important;
.standard-post-author {
display: none;
#nav-section {
display: none;
body.home div.standard-post-content.span6 figure > a.link-to-post > img{
body.page div.standard-post-content.span6 figure > a.link-to-post > img{
#top-bar .menu li a {font-size: 13px !important;}
/* image quality */
function gpp_jpeg_quality_callback($arg)
return (int)100;
add_filter(‘jpeg_quality’, ‘gpp_jpeg_quality_callback’);