New Landing How can we help? Atelier Double price in products

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  • Posted in: Atelier
  • #246168
    Post count: 8


    First I would like to say that you have an amazing theme, very well designed and with a lot of options. My site is almost ready but I have few issues that I want to resolve.
    The main issue is that the price in the products appears double. I have searched all the woocommerce options but I can’t find it.
    Second is that in the shop page there is no button for the customers that can change the products view.
    Third is that there are some gaps in the shop page that you can see in the screenshots below and last is that I have a problem with the “empty cart” button. In an other topic I read that another plugin is adding this button. I’ve asked for the plugin’s name so I can remove it.

    I also wanted to ask if there is a way to change the “sales”, “new” and “out of stock” icons?

    Thanking you in advance.

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    David Martin – Support
    Post count: 20834

    Please add a WP login, I cannot view your site without it.

    – Please test with only Swift Framework and WooCommerce plugins active.


    Post count: 8
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    David Martin – Support
    Post count: 20834


    The login details are not working?


    Post count: 8
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    David Martin – Support
    Post count: 20834


    1) Page Meta Options => Page Style => Page Design Style => Hero / Content Split.

    2) If using the “Hero / Content Split” style, then please make sure you have the page title style set to “Hero” and that you have set the background image for it there.

    3) Please select a header that is not vertical left/right.

    4) Please edit your shop page and remove any Page Builder Products assets. If you set this page in the WooCommerce settings you do not need to add the Page Builder Products asset to the page content.

    5) Widget Spacing: Please add this to your Theme Options => Custom CSS:

    .inner-page-wrap.full-width-shop section[class*="col-sm"]:last-of-type {
        padding-right: 0;
    .inner-page-wrap.full-width-shop section[class*="col-sm"], .inner-page-wrap.full-width-shop .sidebar[class*="col-sm"], .inner-page-wrap.full-width-shop .page-content {
        padding-right: 15px;

    6) Double Pricing: Please update WooCommerce:


    Post count: 8

    Dear Martin,

    1)For the blog, I did put this options that you gave me and even more but nothing changed. I even tried to change my header to test it but it doesn’t work.

    2)For the double price issue, I’ve updated the woocommerce and I don’t have any Page Builder Products assets to my shop page that I can remove. Still all products have 2 prices.

    3)For the empty product pages and the white gaps between them, nothing changed. Also I’ve noticed that the vertical header that I love, it’s not responsive. When you make it smaller the menu and all the icons are mixing.

    4) The space between the filter now looks perfect, but I can’t seem to find where I can add the buttons in the photo below.

    Thank you for your help

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    David Martin – Support
    Post count: 20834

    1) Please create a new page and use the Page Builder to add in the Blog asset. Then, go to: Page Meta Options => Page Style => Page Design Style => Hero / Content Split.

    Please make sure you have the page title style set to “Hero” and that you have set the background image for it there and change your Header to a non vertical option: Theme Options => Header Options.

    2) Maybe a plugin is causing this. Please add this to your Theme Options => Custom CSS:

    small.woocommerce-price-suffix {
        display: none;

    3) Please make the images without a featured product image Draft status or add a featured image.

    4) This won’t work with the vertical header.


    Post count: 8

    Thank you Martin.

    I did solve my two biggest problems. The blog now works even with the vertical header. I’m very excited!!! The third issue with the empty spaces and gaps I did not understand what I have to do. My products only have one photo in the product image place and I removed them from featured if that was that you meant.

    Also can you please help me with the blog colors. In the color customizer which section changes the blog colors?

    Thank you again

    David Martin – Support
    Post count: 20834


    Please add the product featured images for all products, if you do not make the products draft.

    What specific colors are you looking to change, please add a screenshot so it’s clear.


    Post count: 8

    Hi Martin,

    I did change all my products that did not have photos to draft. The empty spaces are still there ( that I really don’t like) and the spaces appear sometimes when you resize the window. I send you a screenshot with the colors I want to change. Also in the page meta I checked the box to remove the space up but it seems that it doesn’t work. Any suggestions?

    Thank you for your time Martin.

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    David Martin – Support
    Post count: 20834

    Yes, you need to remove the Shop Sidebar you have set. Theme Options => WooCommerce => Shop Options => WooCommerce Sidebar Config. Set to No Sidebars.


    Post count: 8

    Thanks again Martin

    It removed the empty spaces for the shop page. Did you have any suggestions about the other two issues that I have? One more question. Is there anything I can use in your swift page builder for allowing only my subscribers to download free files? I know that your theme has endless possibilities and if this is one I would love to avoid putting an extra plugin to do this for me.


    David Martin – Support
    Post count: 20834

    What other issues?

    Downloads: Yes, you can use WooCommerce to offer a downloadable product/file.


    Post count: 8

    Dear Martin,

    Thank you for link. I think I can do it. I have asked you how to change the blog colors and I have include a screenshot in a previous message and second in the page meta I checked the box to remove the space up but it seems that it doesn’t work.

    Thank you

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