New Landing How can we help? Atelier wishlists and seo and performance issues — urgent

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  • Posted in: Atelier
  • #245111
    Post count: 179

    is there any way to globally get rid of the wishlist icons and label in the catalog? this site is getting killed in google rankings. after performing analytics on the site using google’s own crawler, it turns out google thinks this site is about wishlists instead of needlepoint. the owner of this site is livid and is ready to can my ass for gross incompetence. the owner of this site had a blog on wordpress that got views in the high hundreds daily and sometimes in the 1-2k range. now it gets 1 per cent of that. how do i get rid of these wishlists and just leave one page or area where where visitors can add wishlists if they want, instead of having wish lists appears hundreds of times as the bogus keyword for this site, as seen by google robots? also, is there any way to make this site faster? i have optimized very image, gotten rid of any gnarly custom css, talked to my hosting provider about improving speed, and it still takes between 3 and 7 seconds for a page to render. this is unacceptable. i may be forced to abandon months of work and go to a theme that understands that sub second response is essential when competing in the ecommerce world. there is just too much slow jss it seems in this theme before it gets around to actually rendering a page. looks lovely; slow as shit.

    Post count: 179

    another possibility is to go into each product there are hundreds of them at this point and do some velied keyword stuff.. i should not have to do this brain damaged tedious manual repetitive tasks..

    it is claimed that atelier is spider friendly… i need some help here… can you point me to some app that demonstrates that?
    if i see livid it is because the owner of the brick and mortar store is scoffing at my efforts to use atelier and woocommerce to develop a web site that actually generates sales not just look pretty

    Post count: 85

    I don’t use the wishlists plugin myself, but have you checked that ‘nofollow’ is being applied to the wishlist links?

    Post count: 179

    wow. i never thought of that! i will look into this immediately! sorry atelier! not your fault!
    thank you tonn! i will look around to see where i turn on the nofollow for wishlist.. my guess is in Google Analytics, yeah?

    Post count: 85

    No worries. It should be controlled by the wishlist plugin. Had a look at their changelog and it shows:

    Version 2.0.13 - Released: Dec, 17 - 2015
        Added nofollow to "Add to Wishlist" links, where missing 

    So make sure you’re running that version or above. As always, have a backup before making any changes.

    Post count: 179

    hang on i will go in and do that right now!

    Post count: 179

    yes i am running Version 2.0.13
    so maybe that means the the crawler will not follow the link that is attached to the wishlink icon
    clicking on this link takes you to the dedicated wishlist page for each use

    which is fine but not fine if this then makes google think the site is about wishlists
    because i have not keyword stuffed “needlepoint” (what this site sells) into all the titles posts etc

    but what seems to be happening with the google spider is that when it goes to a product page
    it encounters these icons and then somehow picks up the keyword “wishlist” somewhere in the complex js cart overlay (i could not find the word wishlist in any regular href link for the cart or wishlist) and that is probably what it makes it think my site is about wishlists

    my solutions is to manually modify each permalink in the catalog
    which is a royal bloody plan in the arse

    but my customer is actually in the business of trying to sell something not just have a good looking site that google thinks is about wishlists

    so my solution looks like this

    The permalink SEO method

    where i have changed the permalink + added boilerplate text in the description that stops just this side short of keyword stuffing
    when finished with this laborious tasks I shall resubmit to google fetch and have it crawl all catalog sublinks (ie all the products)and hope it ignores the no follow wishlink one

    then i will recheck if google still thinks site is about wishlists

    cor blimey… not what i thought i would be doing on a sunday morning

    the other solution if to disable YIT wishlists entirely
    or going with the paid woocommerce wishlist plugin, but good luck with getting support from those dudes

    Post count: 85

    You shouldn’t really have to make those changes…

    I’ve just installed the wishlist plugin on my dev site to test for you and it looks like the atelier theme, or related plugin is modifying the link, the nofollow is being removed (most likely due to ajax). Testing using Twenty15 shows the wishlist link with ‘nofollow’.

    Post count: 179

    so if atelier or ajax or the plugin is removing the no follow directive then
    i have to manually change the permalink to give my client a shot in google SERP in this space

    or am i am not understanding. yes I shouldnt have to do this, but it looks like i have to.

    this is beyond brain damaged: as if populating a catalog were enough mind numbing work.

    Post count: 179

    typo: weren’t

    Post count: 179

    if atelier is doing this, they need to fix it.
    along with optimizing the js by a factor of 3

    Post count: 179

    of course part of this is how woocommerce uses mysql to store product catalog info

    i have examined in detail the wp/wocommerce schema and am actually horrified at the design of this database

    my background is hi volume hi transaction wall street trading systems where you have complex bond universes etc that have to data modeled
    much more complex than anything you see in wp

    i would say whomever designed this database knew almost very little about sql normalization/denormalization of professional quality hi performance transactional databases

    they just came up with some kludge to model posts and store textual data and images and the rest is history

    i would say part of the slowness problem is that… no question.

    Post count: 179

    topic now should be closed. thanks guys!

    David Martin – Support
    Post count: 20834


    In the future please edit your post rather than adding new posts, this pushes your original ticket to the back of the support list each time.


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