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  • Posted in: Dante
  • #243068

    Good day, there is a possibility the center to sort?

    [list_item icon = “ss-xx”] my text [/ list_item]
    [list_item icon = “ss-xx”] my text [/ list_item]
    [list_item icon = “ss-xx”] my text [/ list_item]
    [/ list]

    by default, it is left justified .. if I center it is indeed centrally but then moved .. I want that it has the same magnitude as clean left-justified only in the middle of the site. What is important here? Thanks in advance

    I want a clean outline who just like the left. only in the middle of the page

    I gave you the problem and the desire in the PDF as an image

    Friendly greetings and thank you very much

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    Post count: 27441

    Please provide me login detail to check and resolve the issue.

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