New Landing How can we help? Atelier Problems with products list view

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  • Posted in: Atelier
  • #241050
    Post count: 36

    A few issues

    1. I want to have the products showing as a list on the products page. As you see here the list also shows different sizes and aligning.

    2. there is a strange vertical line at the left side of the thumbs. I selected an amount 0f 10 products per page, there are more and running out of the template. When i use the top filter and select ‘view 10’ there are much more viewed than ten. When i want to switch to grid view the selector does not work. Your demo is working correctly:

    3. I have two quick view buttons: one on the thumb and an other above the title. The one in the thumb links to the post, not to quick view. It’s not showing like your demo on row with the other icons.

    Post count: 36

    A short update.

    I did a clean install on a new subdomain (deleted the previous subdomain!!!!)
    Don’t know why my shop page was messed up (there was a strange square grid with small products view on top of the actual product view) and more products where shown as set in the theme options.
    Problem is: i can not reproduce what went wrong. When i look at the Shop options i have exactly the same options set in the current install as in the previous install. The only thing i have done is set the shop page in Woo prefs to Shop. After that i did not have the product name and meta under the thumbs but on hover. and the strange square of products on top of the other products.

    Can there be an issue with the cache plugin i’am using on Siteground? or setting the shop page in Woo prefs?

    Quick view issue solved too.

    What i can not sort out is the option to show list view as default with working selectors to show grid view. I will keep trying to sort this out.

    Post count: 36

    seems like selectors works with list view as default (i have updated to the latest version.

    Kyle – SUPPORT
    Post count: 35880


    It’s because on the other install you did not have the shop page set in the woocommerce settings. Are all issues resolved now?

    – Kyle

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